Sunday, May 14, 2006

About this blog

Currently, this is just a place for me to store a lot of my past writings on game design/MMO development. In the future, I'll try to keep it updated current issues, new developments, et cetera.

This information is meant to be used. Please take it, combine it with your ideas, and develop something greater than them both. Change them around and add to them. But most importantly, tell others about your own unique ideas. Great ideas don't make online games better, but communicating ideas to others, generating interest and excitement... that is really what improves the genre.

In my decade of pondering online game design, I have met countless individuals with ideas far greater than any I have or will ever come up with. However, those ideas never went anywhere, because those individuals never told anyone about them. They were too fearful of others stealing their ideas. In contrast, I want you to steal any ideas you find here. The greatest game design idea in the world is utterly useless inside of a 500 page design document that no one knows about. I want to play the games of the future, and as quickly as possible. I don't necessarily need my name on the box.

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